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Live Green Club

Do You Live Green?

The purpose of the Live Green Club is to promote sustainability for our planet with the actions we do daily.  Our club is open to all and is one where we decide year to year what our main themes or projects will be in trying to educate and promote the sustainability of our earth.    We continually strive to educate, not only the Two Rivers High School but the entire ISD197 community.  Come join us, we'd love to have you.

Live Green Club will have morning meetings on the 2nd and 4th Thursday mornings of the month from 7:45-8:15 a.m. in Room B242.

Afternoon meetings will be arranged to do weeding and planting as people and weather can agree.  If you can't make the morning meetings, email Mrs. Howatt to arrange an afternoon session!

Contact Elizabeth Howatt with questions or for additional information. 

Building Independent Solar Suitcases

to send to Africa

2023 Homecoming Parade!

We were small in #s, but mighty with

Live Green Warrior Pride!

To date, Two Rivers has sent out

4 Suitcases to Kenya 

Live Green Club has fun at the 2021 Warrior Rally!

2021 Warrior Rally!

This year Live Green will build another Solar Suitcases for Africa

Please DON'T use


Homecoming Parade !

Use reusable containers

including water bottles.

Spring Clean Up 2021

Cleaning up the

Two Rivers Campus!

Spring Clean up 2022