2024-2025 Student Council Members
September 23rd - 28th | Homecoming Week
October 16th | Unity Day
November 18th | Harvest Pack
December 16th-19th | Twas the Week before Winter Break
February 15th | Sweetheart Dance
March | SpringFest Week 3/17 - 3/21
April 19th | Prom at Target Field
May | End of year celebration & 2025-2026 Student Council
Thank you for visiting Two Rivers High School Student Council! Student Council is an energetic group of students that bring the student body together through school pride and unity. Group meetings are Tuesday mornings at 7:45 AM in the A332 Lecture Hall during the school year. Student Council members have an opportunity to letter and gain scholarships.
What we do? The student council helps share students' ideas, interests, and concerns with teachers and school principals. We often help raise funds for schoolwide activities, including social events, community projects, helping people in need and school reform.
Here are some of our projects:
2025 Winter Formal
Counselor/Student Council Advisor
Math Teacher/Student Council Advisor